The Model of Spiritual Health in the Holy Qur'an with a Semantic Approach

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of the psychology department at Research Institute of Howzeh and University



The main topic of this article is spiritual health, which has been carried out with the semantic method. The method of semantics can be examined in four stages of lexical semantics, semantic fields, textual studies and meta-textual studies, but the focus of this article is on the third and fourth aspects. In the aspect of textual studies, the focus is on the text of the Qur'an, of course, narratives are also used. The findings of this study suggest that spiritual health has two meanings including healthy spirituality and health of the fourth aspect of human being in communication with God and sacred affairs. The accepted definition of spirituality is going beyond the volition and existence of materiality, egoism and situation in the dimensions of insight, action and then having tendency towards God as the focus, origin, and destination of spirituality which provides the context for deeper and more inward lived experience. Spiritual health, in the term of psychological texts, has the following characteristics including connection with God (supreme holy power), having purpose and meaning in life, a dynamic and positive fundamental state of being (well-being) and enjoyment, a holistic and coordinating approach to existence, and finally various cognitive, emotional and behavioral dimensions. Based on the analysis of about a hundred related Qur'anic words and the model of spiritual health in the Qur'an, four concepts of purification, pure life, piety and peace (a healthy heart) are considered as the main components of spiritual health. In the final model, the process path of spiritual health has been illustrated in these four words as well as the network relationships between them in different diagrams.
