A Critical Examination of the Individualism Component in the Spiritualist Theory of Rationality and Spirituality

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Islamic Education, Qom University of Islamic Education

2 Assistant Professor of Department of Religins and Mystism, Hikmat and Philosophy Research Institute



The theory of rationality and spirituality seeks to create the inner satisfaction of human with the approach of new spirituality. In this theory, by considering the indicators of the modern world, Malekian has chosen certain anthropological foundations for being spiritual. Among these foundations is the individualism of spiritual human and as a result the inner and personal nature of spirituality. The current study aims to evaluate and critically analyze the individualism component of the theory of rationality and spirituality by using its conceptual genealogy studies. Lack of paying attention to the real influence of social structures and institutions on humans, the self-destruction of spirituality resulting from individuality, reducing the dignity of ethics and spirituality to therapeutic psychology, and finally the loneliness of a spiritual person from the negative consequences of accepting the basis of individualism in spirituality, are some serious challenges in obtaining inner satisfaction in the behavior of a spiritual person. This study is a type of fundamental theoretical research, its data is collected by descriptive-analytical method, and it examines the sources through a library method.
