A Qualitative Approach on the Conceptual Model of Spirituality and Its Components From the Perspective of the Supreme Leader of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of the Department of Philosophy at the Research Institute of Islamic Culture and Thought.

2 PhD Graduate in Religion studies, researcher and university lecturer

3 Level Three (M. A) student of Mojtehadeh Amin Higher Education Institute




Today, due to the spread and influence of mysticism and false spirituality and young people's approach to it, it seems necessary to recognize and introduce true and Islamic spirituality from the language of scholars and Islamologists. Considering the importance of this issue, this study, by using the qualitative method of thematic analysis, extracted the conceptual model of spirituality from the perspective of the Leader of Iran, and it shows that the five comprehensive themes of rethinking the concept of spirituality, diverging factors of spirituality, converging factors of spirituality, and harmonic triad have created a kind of revolutionary-political goal-oriented spirituality that leads to a life based on pure life. It is also found that "morality" plays an important role in the conceptual reproduction of spirituality on the one hand, in a way that morality is sometimes interpreted as the same as spirituality. On the other hand, among the converging factors, attention to purification of the soul and self-refinement as a prelude to morality is more prominent. This is also achieved in the comprehensive theme of "purposeful life" as the leader of all social activities, in such a way that it can be said that along with the three basic elements of spirituality, rationality, and justice, attention to the spirit of morality is considered in explaining the pure life. In addition, spirituality is the soul and foundation of morality, and rationality as a tool of knowledge in combination with justice creates a pure life in which the individual and social needs of humanity are seen with a comprehensive view.
