The Role of Social Customs in Creating Insecure Attachment to God: Based on the Model of Sound Heart

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Medicine, Qur'an and Hadith Research Center, Baqiyatullah University of Medical Sciences

2 Bachelor's student, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabatabaei University



This study aims to show that use of non-religious spiritualities for peace, happiness, satisfaction with life in a personal style, regardless of religious teachings, causes transformation in the religious life of Muslim people. This study was conducted with the aim of explaining the role of social custom in creating a tendency towards extra-religious or secular spirituality in Iranian society. The method of this research is a mixed method study, based on the model of Cresswell et al model. (2003) with an discovery- explanatory approach and the theory of the sound heart. Qualitative data from non-systematic review and content analysis of various types of spirituality, complementary medicine applications, personality theory, and spiritual pathology theory of the sound heart model were combined with quantitative data from clinical applications of the model. The validity of the meta-inferences of the research was 
measured in the quantitative data section through internal-external validity, in the qualitative data section with "reliability" or "capability index". The findings of the study including adapting religion to the custom and lifestyle of social models, lead to a change in the central tendency of people from safe attachment to God to attachment to someone other than God. The lack of ability to explain the purpose and meaning of life, introducing the sufferings of life as a punishment for sins, by cutting off secure attachment to God, creating spiritual distress and inefficiency of the meaning of life, inclines people to search for peace and the meaning of life through trans-religious or secular spirituality. Based on the findings of this research, considering the impact of interpersonal communication and the lifestyle of role models in the formation of people's personality and the role of social custom in the type of attachment to God, it is recommended to use the sound heart care protocol to deepen the spirituality of followers of religious spiritualism.
