An Examination of the Internal Challenges of the Basis of "Suffering Avoidance" of Spiritual Man in the Theory of Rationality and Spirituality

Document Type : Original Article


PhD student of Islamic Studies, University of Islamic Studies, Qom, Iran.


The theory of rationality and spirituality seeks to reduce human suffering. In this theory, Malekian pays special attention to the characteristics of the spiritual man, and as a result of the theory's attention to the category of modernization, he has expressed special characteristics for the spiritual man. In the course of his spiritualism, he is completely loyal to the problem of relieving pain and suffering. The present study aims to examine the internal and structural contradictions of the spiritual man's suffering avoidance and emotionalism, as one of the anthropological foundations of the "rationality and spirituality" theory, through a critical examination. In this article, with the qualitative method of content analysis, the topic is discussed and its dimensions and tools are described based on Malekian’s viewpoint, and then the internal challenge of the basis of suffering avoidance is considered with a critical view. The most important internal criticisms and challenges of emotionalism and suffering avoidance that were examined in this research are: 1. Ambiguity in the nature of suffering; 2. The ambiguity and inability of the theory of rationality and spirituality in relieving suffering; 3. Not having a practical plan and a guarantee to get rid of suffering; 4. The lack of application of the theory of intellectual spirituality for the society; 5. Adding self-deceiving spiritual suffering; 6. Contradiction of individualism and emotionalist spirituality; 7. Reducing morality and spirituality to psychology; 8. Considering the purpose of life and spirituality as short and limited 9. Contradiction in the principles of ethics. 10. The disagreement between the epistemological basis with the anthropological goal.
