A Critical Examination of Spiritual Lifeworld in the Thought of Karen Armstrong and Tenzin Gyatso

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy and Theology, Ahlul Bayt International University, Tehran, Iran



Armstrong's and Gyatso's views are based on religious teachings and providing a spiritual idea to solve social crises and achieve happiness. This article aims to evaluate this approach under the title “spiritual lifeworld” and the question is, what are the shortcomings of their analysis of the lifeworld as a comprehensive approach to achieve happiness? Therefore, they pay attention to common issues such as paying attention to global challenges, extracting from religion and not committing to religion. However, Armstrong emphasizes living in the light of "compassion" and Gyatso emphasizes living in the light of "joy". Both of them, regarding spiritual lifeworld, believe that compassion or joy is the purpose of happiness. However, their occurrence faces at least two problems. First, in referring to religious beliefs - in proving their thoughts - they misunderstand the truth of religion. Second, their definition of happiness is incomplete, because they do not pay attention to all aspects of happiness. In their thought, happiness is reduced to ideals in worldly life or is limited to presenting positive and hopeful views against difficult life conditions. In fact, they limit happiness to social crises and neglect other human possibilities and goals.
